

Cordial – Golden brown drink attracts with familiar outline of the famous bottle. The charm of this completely natural drink is a combination of lime blossom extract and white wine, flavored with sugar, violet roots, caramel and all highlighted by spirit.
This delicious combination allows you to enjoy liquor cooled and clear, in cocktails, or even hot drinks. While pieces of ice pick up its sweetness and honey color, in warm teas, coffees and chocolates the characteristic tone hidden in the soul of this liquor is predominant.

Pre vstup na túto stránku musíte mať minimálne 18 rokov

V našej spoločnosti dbáme na zodpovedný prístup ku konzumácii alkoholu - viac na, a preto používateľmi našich stránok môžu byť len osoby staršie ako 18 rokov.

Prosíme uveďte Váš VEK, ďakujeme.