Values and culture

The strength of shared values

“The unique and globally shared culture of Pernod Ricard enabled our company to achieve spectacular growth without having to compromise its key values. Compliance with these values and principles gives us a real competitive advantage, and makes us all proud of the name of Pernod Ricard ‘Créateurs de convivialité’ (‘Creators of hospitality’). “

                                                                                              Patrick Ricard and Pierre Pringuet


Our values

Within the Pernod Ricard Group, and therefore also Pernod Ricard Slovakia, we honor the following values:

Friendliness and simplicity

We lead our employees to be welcoming, open-minded, warm and friendly. This principle applies to relations within the company, as well as in contact with our customers and the public. A friendly and at the same time respectful atmosphere is our priority.


The decentralized decision-making model that the Pernod Ricard Group applies supports a uniquely entrepreneurial spirit. Our employees are naturally motivated towards an active approach and are also directly involved in the financial performance of the whole group.


We make sure that all employees adhere to the rules of ethics and transparent procedure. Shareholders, customers and consumers can thus rely on the truthfulness of the information, superior quality products and our responsible approach to the environment.


Our employees comply with internal company rules and always act in the interest of Pernod Ricard Slovakia. A sense of ethics with an emphasis on respect and transparency should be a matter of course for all employees of Pernod Ricard.

Uniform culture

Creating a corporate culture supports a variety of internal events and especially our own training program. Its aim is not only to introduce the company to new employees and the promotion of the Pernod Ricard culture, but also support of the staff, developing their core competencies and sharing their own best practices. The feeling of belonging to a corporate culture in which all employees act as entrepreneurs and representatives of the company has a large share in the overall success of the company.